Salmon fishing with a two handed rod is big fun! Especially in Sweden.
The river „Mörrumsån“ is one of the best rivers in southern Sweden.
Salmon fishing with a two handed rod is big fun! Especially in Sweden.
The river „Mörrumsån“ is one of the best rivers in southern Sweden.
Fliegenfischen trifft auf Maßkonfektion. Der Film zu unserem gemeinsamen Projekt mit dem Hamburger Herrenausstatter Rooks & Rocks.
Impressions of Salmon Fishing at River Skjern in Denmark. Oliver caught a beautiful 93cm long fresh and pure silver Salmon on 25th of April 2015.
Impressionen unseres sechstägigen Trekkingtrips durch die Hochebene der Hardangervidda in Norwegen. Juli 2014.